with all these sufferings around us many are bound to retreat to end all of these. but what are the causes of these sufferings? aren't we responsible of all these sufferings? we tend to blame God to be the cause of all these things or even blame others. to quote," it is human nature - the worst PART of human nature--to deny or downplay our own responsibility for effects we cause, and project the blame outside ourselves. But no matter how thoroughly JUSTIFIED blame may seem, it only CREATES more problems. And worse, blame can make existing problems practically permanent!"
we have to take responsibility of all that we do. for instance, suffering from financial difficulties which is very common to us. why can't we live with what we earn? easy to say, but hard to do. why? because there is so much pressure in these system of things where material things are being mostly desired by everyone. and we let ourselves succumbed to that system. we are overpowered by the materialistic part of ourselves. so how can we blame others for this suffering? what shall we do now?
what is important to be able to bear all these sufferings and to take responsibility with all of these is to be able to understand and accept the challenges of life. take time for prayer, meditation, and reflection. we should treat life's challenges as a form of exercise to build our spiritiual muscles.
as a conclusion, i would like to share what i have read in faithcrisis.com:
"Clearly, many CAUSES in our lives are outside our control. Here are a few of them: large scale circumstances like international politics; the free will choice of other people; random forces of nature. But no matter what happens in the world around us, each of remains the PRIMARY "cause" or influence in our own lives.
What WE do, what WE think, and especially, how WE feel most profoundly affects everything in our lives. What we MAKE of the events of our lives is more important, subjectively, than the events themselves. And our creative power is not limited to after-the-fact interpretation. Through the choices we make, we are principal creators of even the actual events our our lives as well.
Consequently, we are NEVER completely "at the effect" of circumstances --not even if we choose to feel that way. No matter what is happening in the world around us, we can ALWAYS make a positive difference in our lives. So the relevant questions is not, "Why is life victimizing me, but rather, "Why should I victimize MYSELF?
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